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Private Information

Firstname: Naquan
Middlename (Nickname): TheKuma
Lastname: Baity
Gender: Male
Birth: 09.01.1983
Country: US
City: Brooklyn
Relationship Status: -------
About me: Greetings all, I am a writer/editor for Bifuteki.com. I am 28 years of age and on my spare time also design/ write my own comic book which is still in the works. When I am not writing I am gaming so either challenge me or fight with me, I am always ready for battle. I study martial arts on my spare time Shorinji Kempo and Escrima stick fighting. Favorite things to do is cook and go out dancing. Other than that stay frosty gamers!

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Naquan Baity TheKuma
Naquan Baity TheKuma
Naquan Baity TheKuma
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