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Private Information

Firstname: George
Middlename (Nickname): GoLdNgReEn631
Lastname: Pekar
Gender: Male
Birth: 06.06.1990
Country: US
City: Bridgeport
Relationship Status: -------
About me:
http://www.ngame.tv/gengame">Hey, I\'m George. A long time video gamer and a heavily competitive one at that. I am a writer and a host of a new web series on GenGAME called Complaining With George. (\"CWG\") Our NGame.tv account should be on the way very soon! When it is up, we will have a 36 hour gaming marathon. Maybe even some give-aways? Subscribe for updates on GenGAME and more!


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George Pekar GoLdNgReEn631
George Pekar GoLdNgReEn631
George Pekar GoLdNgReEn631
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